Social Prescribing

Neriah Clarke

What is social prescribing?
Social prescribing (SP) is a growing movement and aims to ensure that those who visit the GP with social issues receive appropriate support. Recent estimates show that up to a ⅓ of GP time is spent on managing social problems [1]. Although GPs may be able to help resolve such problems, a large portion of their already limited time is being expended. To add, due to the complexity of some social problems an appointment may not be adequate. Hence, the NHS long-term plan states that by 2023/24 [3], personalised care which includes SP should be mandatory and in effect.

How would this work in practice?
SP professionals mainly work in primary care and assume a role similar to that of occupational therapists but place greater emphasis on social referral. The key aim of social prescribing is to empower people. Some GP practices are already involved and are using the national model, Fig.1 with an example of its use in Fig.2

- Aside from money worries, housing problems, work-related stress and loneliness are common problems people consult with.
- A link-worker not only facilitates the triage of a person to appropriate support but may also be the support in providing empathy and a listening ear.

It is important to realise that social problems can affect health and do affect wellness. The move towards personalised care is only possible if people are viewed in a holistic manner. SP helps provide personalised care, reduces strain on health-care professionals, and has the potential to benefit wider society.

It is known that there have been cuts to social services but in their absence, it is still possible to empower people and maybe those people could start their own support group or business, the list is endless!

[1] National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux, 2015. A Very Generalpracticehow Much Time Do Gps Spend On Issuesother Than Health?. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 April 2020].
[2] General : England, N., 2020. NHS England » Social Prescribing. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 April 2020].
[3] NHS UK, 2019. NHS Long Term Plan. p.25.


  1. Very insightful, thank you for this. I think that this would no doubt help with better care and attention being given to patients who consult the doctors problems described above. The approach of limiting or discouraging patients from seeking help at moments of vulnerability does not help. Rather the solution of social prescribing which involves triaging is more specialised and cost effective! :)

    1. Thank you for writing to us and presenting such an insightful comment. Indeed, effective modern consultation requires a biopsychosoical approach to care. Thank you, and we hope you continue to follow our posts


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