The downside to progress

We're all aware of the devastation to come as a result of our abhorrent overindulgence in the use non-renewable fuels. Rising sea level, floods as a result and severe climate change are all consequences we are going to have to deal with in the future, but our pollution problem is forcing us to deal with effects that are much more immediate, and in no way less sinister.

UNICEF issued a statement on the 6th of December (click link here) stating that 17 million babies around the world are at risk of stunted brain development due to their breathing in of toxic pollutants. They also said that the majority resided in South-Asia. Southern Asia is notorious for its heavy smog clouds in large cities and many of the citizens subsequently wear smog masks or gas filters in an attempt to protect their well-being. There are babies in these smog-ridden regions that are breathing in an environment that is polluted 6 times the national limit, and the effects are detrimental to their future.

UNICEF stated that "breathing in particulate air pollution can damage brain tissue and undermine cognitive development". This means that children will grow up with an impaired ability to learn and they may suffer from a wide range of symptoms of brain damage throughout their life, as these detriments are irreversible.

The reason I have named this article as I have, is because large companies, and even governments, believe it more important that they make money through their factories and businesses than take into account the health and safety of the people in the vicinity of their money makers. China in particular has developed a nasty habit of disregarding anti-pollution laws and the result is people having to live behind a mask and having to watch the sunset on a screen because the smog they have created is too thick for the rays of the sun to penetrate it. This is going to cease one of two ways: either large corporations are going to wake up and begin caring that what they are doing is killing the people around them, or those in charge of enforcing the environmental laws stand up and and protect the people they are meant to be guarding. Appeasement, as we have seen, doesn't help anyone and leaves many people dead.

Though slightly more macabre today, I still hope you enjoyed reading. This has been Timothy K. Bosse, wishing you a happy, pollutant-free day!



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