3 before GP

It's no secret to us all that there are a huge number of people living in our World, and it's also not that much of a stretch to accept that our resources are spread extremely thinly across us all. For this reason, the Royal College of GPs is begging the public of the UK to carefully consider whether a visit to the GP for their symptoms is absolutely essential. If a mere 5% of people did not visit GPs for harmless diagnoses, then 50,000 appointments would be saved for those who truly need medical attention from the GP.

So, what is the title of this article banging on about? The rule of 3, or "3 before GP" rule, is a set of three things that you should consider before scheduling an appointment with your local GP.

1) Could I do this myself?

If the symptoms aren't that severe, is it something you could take of yourself? Perhaps a glass of water and some rest is enough to allay the symptoms you are experiencing.

1) Is there something online that could help?

There are a number of reputable online sources for medical help. "NHS Choices" is a website the NHS officially endorses and pays for upkeep. Many things may seem severe but are in actuality are mild and easily dealt with.

3) Can my pharmacist help?

Pharmacists by their very job title, are experts in the field of pharmacology. They can recommend many medications that fit your symptoms which can prove very quick relief. Furthermore, they can give you advice on whether it is necessary to take the case further and seek help from a GP or whether what they give you is suffice for your recovery.

The reason this is being publicised is because up to a quarter of appointments are avoidable due to the problem itself being not quite so severe. If these could be omitted from the schedule of the GP, then there would be a huge increase in free time available for people who genuinely need to seek the help of the GP.

To abridge: think for 3 before GP before scheduling an appointment with the GP. Think if you can sort it out yourself, seek online help and even give your pharmacist a run-down of your symptoms to see if they can help.

This an amazing example of branches of the same network working together to alleviate the stresses of our overbearing population size. The pharmacists are working with the GPs in order to reduce pressure on them and provide a better service for all. Of course, in an ideal world everyone would be able to make an appointment, and then GP would have time for everyone. But then again, in an ideal world we wouldn't get sick and we would live forever.

Thank you for reading my article this week, this has been Timothy K. Bosse, wishing you a happy, symptom free holiday!



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