Whats up, Doc?

Some of you may remember, back in may, a blog post written by Gagandeep that so wonderfully outlined the NHS junior doctor contract crisis. If not, then definitely go and read it, but to summarise- there was uproar around an contract that tried to impose unsafe hours and unfair pay, which led to numerous strikes and general upheaval, after negotiations a fairer agreement was formed which was set to be voted on amongst junior doctors in June with the results announced in early July.

Well, ladies and gentleman, today the results were announced, and the result (at a 58% to 42% split) was a NO to the new agreement. The vote was open to all junior doctors in the final two years of their degree and the reasoning generally seems to be down to level of uncertainty over whether the new agreement still properly gives them safe working hours and just reward for the strenuous and demanding work. The outcome of this vote has caused discord within the BMA ( British medical association) with the chair of the junior doctor commitee, Dr Johann Malawana stepping down.

Most would assume it would be back to the drawing board to ensure all parties can be satisfied with the agreement. However, against the wishes of the BMA that the vote be respected and the government does do anything to further break down the damaged relationship between them and the junior doctors, it seems that the contract may be imposed upon junior doctors regardless with new rotas due to kick in for 6000 newly qualified doctors. Whether this imposition is taken into full effect is still to remain to see although it is looking highly likely due the will by both parties to not prolong the dispute any longer especially in the midst of the economic uncertainty caused by the referendum. And also no formal action can be taken by the BMA until a new JDC chair is appointment.

With all factors taken into consideration, it seems the junior doctors will have to take it on the chin and accept the agreed contract. Hopefully in the future the government and junior doctors can once again to improve the quality of all aspects of the NHS and make our healthcare system more effective as time goes on.

Thanks for reading this weeks post, written by Christopher Morgan, feel free to comment we'd love to hear your feedback

Sources: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-36714792


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