The secret home remedies

A sore throat...everyone has had it. Everyone has gone through the struggle of trying to eat as well as speak without hurting their throat. Of course, with a sore throat the symptoms will have less of an impact overtime however there are ways in which these symptoms can be reduced at speed. This week, Universal Medicine will be exploring the causes of a sore throat, symptoms as well home remedies which you, readers, can use to get rid of the uncomfortable sensation within the throat.

The troublesome sore throat, known as pharyngitis can be caused by a virus or bacteria; a sore throat is commonly caused due to obtaining a cold or flu. Also, other causes of a sore throat could be due to allergies as well as irritations caused by pollutants or chemicals. Moreover, it is evident that children are more likely to suffer from a sore throat than adults. This is because children obtain more colds/flu than adults which makes them more vulnerable to sore throats. Also, around 20-30 children out of 100 suffer a strep throat. The difference between a sore throat and a strep throat is that a sore throat is caused by a cold whereas a strep throat is caused by an infection due to bacteria. Subsequently, most adults experience the same symptoms of a sore throat but the symptoms in children can vary a lot e.g. if a child older than 3 suffers from a sore throat then they are usually very ill however toddlers aged between 1-3 may just show the symptom of a fever. Furthermore, if one is surrounded by many irritant chemicals then they are a risk of assimilating pharyngitis- these are environmental factors.  

Of course, the obvious symptom of pharyngitis would be an uncomfortable feeling in the throat but we have listed the symptoms so that one can check if a serious infection is occurring or if it's a less serious sore throat.

Symptoms of a sore throat:
  • A scratchy sensation in the throat
  • Pain in the throat area that becomes worse when swallowing or talking
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Sore or swollen glands in the neck or jaw area
  • Swollen red tonsils in addition to a hoarse or muffled voice
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Runny nose
  • Fever
Adults can, also, suffer from a strep throat, symptoms of strep throat:
  • A high fever classified as above 101°F
  • Lack of a cough
  • Swollen glands in the neck
 The secret home remedies
Now, the section you've been waiting for. Universal Medicine has only gone and researched the best home remedies to relieve the symptoms of the sore throat. We have listed three popular remedies which you can make yourselves in pursuit of removing the sore throat.
The saltwater gargle:
This is a very effective method. All you need to do is place half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water ensuring the salt dissolves. Next, just gargle with the salt water. A lot of research has indicated that gargling with salt water can reduce the swelling in the throat as well as loosen mucus which can potentially remove bacteria.
Honey is a natural wonder when it comes to sore throats. A study of 139 children indicated that honey was more effective at taming some coughs than common cough suppressants. Simply have honey alone or even mixed with tea.
The "Baking soda tea":
Baking soda could be an unfamiliar ingredient to put in tea however due to its antibacterial properties it can be used to cure a sore throat. Water needs to be heated so it's very warm but warm enough to drink. Then add 1/2 tablespoon of salt as well as 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda to the water and stir. Next, gargle with the baking soda tea. Complete this three times a day.

There you have it, the next time you have a sore throat you know the exact steps to take to relieve the symptoms. If you have any remedies you would like to share, we would love to hear them so comment your best home remedies. Also, share this article along with all the others- we would be very grateful! Until then have a great week.

Written by Adil Rahman



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