Will the development of a COVID-19 vaccine change attitudes towards vaccinations?
Karina Dembla With the varying successes of both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as a COVD-19 treatment, the necessity for a vaccine to be developed against COVID-19 is amplified with every passing day spent in isolation and the extreme pressure placed on the healthcare system. Researchers have halted their on-going projects and with an increase in government funding going to research, several laboratories are participating in the worldwide race to develop an anti-COVID-19 vaccine. Currently, 77 candidate vaccines are being tested on different animals such as hamsters, ferrets and monkeys. Promising results of a vaccine consisting of an inactivated version of the virus was seen in rhesus macaques as none developed a full infection upon exposure to the SARS CoV-2. However, the true efficacy of a vaccine can only be determined during human trials. As of 23rd of April, WHO reported 6 candidate vaccines starting clinical evaluation. The recent initiation of human trials of ...