What is Prematurity?

We all love and adore newborn babies, of course some more so than others, but majority of people just can't stop staring at their big eyes and cuddling them. However, how many of you are aware of how hard some newborns have to fight to survive. For most women, pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks, babies born between 37 weeks and 40 weeks are considered as full-term and babies born before 37 weeks are considered as premature. Preterm birth is the leading cause of infant mortality, the 3 primary causes are respiratory failure, infection and congenital malformation.

There are some factors that could potentially cause premature birth, for example, the age of the mother (under 16 or over 35) or the use of tobacco during pregnancy, also pregnancy with twins/triplets can also lead to preterm birth, however, usually preterm birth cannot be explained. Although premature birth is uncommon it can cause many complications for the newborn.

A premature baby might have complications breathing due to an immature respiratory system, if they lack lung surfactant, a substance that allows the lungs to expand, this may cause them to develop respiratory distress syndrome. Preterm birth may also cause brain problems, the earlier the baby is born the higher the risk of bleeding in the brain, intraventricular hemorrhage. This can have a mild effect but some babies that have a larger brain bleeding that causes permanent brain damage. The most common heart problem preterm babies experience is Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) or low blood pressure. PDA is a constant persistent opening  between the aorta and the pulmonary artery, if this is left untreated it can cause a heart murmur or even heart failure and ultimately lead to death.

Prematurity doesn't just affect the beginning of life, but can also have serious long term consequences. For example, preterm babies are more likely lag behind in there various there development milestones, children born prematurely are more likely to have learning disabilities. Also they are more likely to have behavioural and psychological problems, as well as hearing, dental and vision problems.

Infants and babies are part of everyone's life, whether they’re siblings, cousins or even your friend’s children. Being surrounded by happy and playful children, people seem to forget that not every child gets to experience life in the same way. 

Thanks for reading 
Kethujah Sethurajah



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