
Obesity. The second biggest preventable causes of cancer in the UK. Obesity occurs when a person is considered to be overweight with a high percentage of body fat. A person is usually considered obese when their BMI is 30 to 39.9. It affects approximately 1 in 4 adults whilst affecting 1 in 5 children.

Unfortunately, most of the time obesity does come with additional health effects such as high blood pressure and cancer.
High blood pressure due to the body requiring more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the additional fat tissue. This causes the heart to increase the pressure in the arteries and increase the heart rate and the body’s ability to transport blood through the vessels.
Obesity contributes to the increased risk of getting a variety of cancers. For women there is an increased risk of being diagnosed with breast, colon, gallbladder and uterus cancer whilst for men they have a higher risk of being diagnosed with colon or prostate cancer.

In our modern day lifestyles we have easier access to fatty and sugary foods and are much less active than we once were meaning that we now consume more calories than we burn. However as a way to try to decrease those with obesity Cancer Research have 10 top tips to maintain a healthy diet.

Thank you for reading
Amanda Kadye


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