How does coffee effect our health?

For numerous people waking up to an aromatic cup of coffee is part of their daily routine. Over the years the consumption of coffee has increased, despite it’s relatively negative image. Copious amounts of research has been carried out to find the health effects coffee has on the body, with most on how it’s effects are negative. However, more studies are beginning to allude to how coffee can have health benefits.

Caffeine is the controversial drug within coffee. It is a stimulant, which causes an increase in heart rate and breathing rate as well as speeding up reaction times. It does this by causing more neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) to be produced at the synapse (a junction between to neurones), causing an increase in the speed of reaction times. As well as that, caffeine causes binding to adenosine receptors in our brain, adenosine is a chemical which increases in quantity overtime to make us feel sleepy. Therefore by binding to the receptors it prevents adenosine from being produced. As a result people feel more alert and awake. The stimulant is known to inhibit insulin activity and increase blood pressure, which could lead to health complications. It is also considered to be a diuretic, causing more urination. On the other hand, in moderation caffeine can be beneficial, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and act on nerves in the brain, in which can help cognitive function, improve memory and make you feel more energetic.

The other substances in coffee are often overlooked. Such as coffee in high in antioxidant, preventing our cells from being oxidised by toxins and chemicals. Furthermore, coffee contains compounds called polyphenols that are known to decrease blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke, and increase blood supply to the brain. Some research suggests that substances in coffee can help guard against neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's, however evidence on this matter is currently inadequate to support this claim. A new study by Harvard School of Public Health alluded to coffee drinkers having a lower risk of death by a cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Research has shown that there are both benefits and disadvantages to drinking coffee. Evidence now suggests drinking coffee in moderation can be beneficial, yet the effects may be different on each individual and for some there could be more negative effects. Drinking vast amounts of coffee can have detrimental effects on health, thus it is suggested that no more than 3-4 cups of coffee should be consumed daily.

Hope you found this insightful. Thanks for reading.
Written by Aarti Chopra
Universal Medicine



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