Can your surgeon...?

Can your surgeon make a roll of sushi with just one grain of rice? Can your surgeon make 3 miniature origami's in 15 minutes? And can your surgeon reassemble an insect with merely glue and tweezers? Well, if you happen to need an operation in the Japanese city of Kurashiki, you may be in luck!

As of April 2016, new recruits (medical students) hoping to become fully fledged surgeons at Kurashiki Central Hospital (倉敷中央病院) are required to pass 3 completely unique and rigorous tests in order to be accepted to the Hospital as a surgeon. These three tests include everything that was mentioned in the introductory paragraph and are as abstract as they sound.
Specifically, the tests that the recruits must pass are as follows:

1) To create three miniature cranes 5mm in height, in 15 minutes using nothing but tweezers and their hands.

2) To reassemble an insect in 15 minutes with glue and tweezers and in such a way so as not to destroy the fragile structures of the insect.

3) Their final test is to create several miniature pieces of sushi with one rice grain each, in 15 minutes.

To watch the new recruits perform these tests, click on this link:

One might be thinking to themselves: "what does this have to do with surgery?" and that is a fair question; the answer is that these tests that recruits have to pass test their dexterity, their ability to work under immense pressure, and they test how these students take on new and unprecedented challenges in the face of all odds... all the qualities you would want in a surgeon, a person who holds your life in their hands. Not only that, but for the first time in history, we have been able to confidently determine the ability of surgeons before they ever step up to operate on someone. This is revolutionary and can give us insight into who the potential vanguards of the new surgical generation are.

Thank you for reading, this has been Timothy K. Bosse and I hope that after doing so, you now have more confidence in the surgeons that handle your lives than you ever had before.



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