The Greatest Dental Innovations

Dentistry is a big sector within healthcare and is an important part to an individual’s overall health. There have been many innovations and discoveries which been great help within dentistry. This week on Universal Medicine, we will be exploring two key ideas in dentistry which have had great impact within this health sector.


To start with, the use of braces to move teeth has been a massive orthodontic treatment and still is a major part within orthodontics. Invisalign is another component used to move teeth into a natural position however, as the name suggests, the component is virtually invisible within the mouth. During an invisalign treatment, the patient will have to use a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks- these new sets of aligners will gradually guide the teeth into the desired position. The Invisalign aligners are made from a thermoplastic design which will apply a controlled amount of force on the teeth. Moreover, the design means only certain teeth are able to move depending on the patient’s situation hence the orthodontist can decide on which tooth/teeth are necessary for movement. Obviously, one of the main advantages of this treatment is that the aligner will not be seen. Also, unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are removable hence your diet is not restricted during the course of the treatment. In addition, there are no metal brackets which could cause irritation to the mouth. However, after the aligners have been applied there will be the feeling of discomfort due to pressure from the component- this tends to stop after a few days.


A major discovery in dentistry was fluoride- this is a natural mineral found in many water sources. The term "Fluoridation" refers to the controlled addition of fluoride to public water sources and many individuals believe that it's one of the greatest health achievements of the 1900's. However, water fluoridation is a very debatable topic but there is no doubt that it helps reduce tooth decay within all ages. In a report by Public Health England, there was a comparison between fluoridated and non-fluoridated water. The findings were as follows (
  • There were 15% fewer five-year olds with tooth decay in fluoridated areas than non-fluoridated areas
  • There were 11% fewer 12-year olds with tooth decay
  • There were 45% fewer hospital admissions of children aged one to four for tooth decay (mostly for extraction of decayed teeth under a general anaesthetic) in fluoridated areas than non-fluoridated areas 
So why are people against this idea? Well, although few health risks have been revealed from water fluoridation, some people feel it's unethical to add fluoride to water without everyone's consent. Moreover, it could cause dental fluorosis which is the formation of lines on the tooth due to the over-exposure to fluoride within the mouth. Child are more vulnerable to dental fluorosis, the report indicated that 1 in 100 children which lived in areas with water fluoridation had dental fluorosis. So, fluoride does have a major oral health benefit but, as mentioned, can be seen as unethical by individuals.

There we have it, two majorly important factors within dentistry. Get your comments in, telling us what you feel is the greatest dental innovations- until then have a great week.

Written by Adil Rahman 


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