Whats on your mind?

This post will hopefully shed a little light on the enigma that is mental health, more specifically anxiety. In today's society mental health disorders are often overlooked or dismissed simply as a case of the blues. The term anxiety can have such a broad definition and the majority of people feel anxious at some point in their lives yet these feelings are generally managed and the anxiety soon subsides.

So whats the problem? Well for a few anxiety manifests itself in a more serious form often showing physical symptoms including nausea, dizziness and sometimes even panic attacks. Severe anxiety can be extremely detrimental to a healthy lifestyle. Sufferers can find it difficult to maintain relationships or even just enjoy themselves during day-to-day life. 

A recent study conducted by the university of Cambridge found that it is actually more common than you thought with an estimated four out of  every 100 people suffer from anxiety and also young people under 35, women and those with physical health problems more commonly affected.In fact women are estimated to be almost twice as likely as men to experience anxiety.                                                                                                                                                                       
Fortunately there are ways to manage anxiety and set about leading a normal life. Top tips include trying to control your breathing, telling friends or family,writing down what your anxious about, thinking positively and avoiding berating yourself with negative comments and just enjoy yourself by listening to upbeat songs or pleasant films.

Thanks for reading this weeks post.Comment, like, share, ask questions and we'll be sure to respond. Written by Chris Morgan. 

Sources:  http://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anxiety-and-panic-attacks/anxiety-symptoms/?o=6276#.V1bL9fkrLIV


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