Can You Remember...
... the last time you did exercise? According to Dutch researchers, intensive physical exercise increases the memory. But how does this actually work? Universal Medicine is going to look into how an organ smaller than a football is able to hold onto information for exams and tests as well as memories to last a lifetime. Exercise is essential in maintaining a healthy body, but research also suggests that it is key to a healthy mind. With a recent study being carried out with 72 volunteers, it proved that exercise a few hours after learning was very effective in memorizing the information 2 days later. When exercising, many endorphin's are released such as Dopamine, Norepinephrine and Cathepsin B. These are all heavily related to increasing memory when exercising several hours after learning. Dopamine is an organic compound and plays a huge role in the brain and the body as it acts as a neurotransmitter. A neurotransmitter is a chemical released by neurons to send signals to other n...