How sleep is the best painkiller.
How sleep is the best painkiller. Have you ever suffered from some sort of pain then gone to sleep and woke up with the pain as a memory? New research has found an explanation for all of this. The research found that sleep deprivation increases the sensitivity of pain as it numbs the pain killing response. The effects of not getting enough sleep are endless from reduced memory, losing the ability to learn as well as cognitive impairment. Research Walker and Krause used 24 healthy, young participants and applied heat to their legs and scanned their brains examining the process of pain. The first time they completed this after participants had had a good night sleep and established the pain threshold, then again with no sleep. The researchers found that the brain's somatosensory cortex, a region associated with pain sensitivity, was hyperactive when the participants hadn't slept enough. This confirmed the hypothesis that sleep deprivation would interfere with pain-p...