The Biopsychosocial model, Health and Medical Practice
The biopsychosocial model (BPSM) The BPSM is a holistic approach considering one’s health through their physical (biological), Psychological (psycho) and social factors. The traditional biomedical model used in medical practise – taking into account one’s health only regarding physical well-being through genetics and biology, was expanded by Doctor George Engel in 1977 who stated: “We are now faced with the necessity and the challenge to broaden the approach to disease to include the psychosocial without sacrificing the enormous advantages of the biomedical approach”. He alongside others found the biomedical model a reductionist in nature – narrowing down one’s well-being merely to genetics, ignoring the significant influence of psychology and society on an individual. The BPSM argues psychological factors - behaviour, cognitive process and emotions, and social factors - cultural, support, economic background (etc…) has an influence on health and illness. This model allow...