A Sweeter Way to Better Health
Sugar: although a sweet way to entice the taste buds, it often lacks the right nutritional values when supplemented into certain products. Yes... a balanced diet is crucial, meaning that certain amounts are acceptable in daily consumption. Yes… it is a big ask to cut out our favourite treats completely. Yes… as an ingredient, it can be of benefit to the environment because it is manufactured without the use of pesticides and other harmful products. However, it is vital that we regulate the intake due to potential health implications. Obesity: affecting over 15 million people in the UK alone, it is becoming a growing problem due to the development of fast-food chains and easy on the go treats. This week on Universal Medicine, we will be looking at how the Soft Drinks Industry Levy (SDIL) is planning to tackle this impeding problem with the introduction of a sugar tax. The pie-chart compares the sources of added sugar for children aged 11-18, collated from the National Diet & Nu...