An eye into common diseases
The eye is a vital organ within the body and enables the completion of many everyday tasks. By taking an insight into the optometry field, Universal Medicine will be exploring some common eye issues which individuals come across. Cataracts Firstly, cataracts are something which tends to occur in older individuals. To understand cataracts the stages in producing a clear image through the eye needs to be acknowledge. Primarily, to produce an image, the iris controls the amount of light which enters the pupil which allows the light to move onto the lens. Moreover, the lens will focus the light so it reaches the retina. There are receptors which can carry this information to the brain to form an image. When an individual has cataracts, the lens becomes less clear which means a misty image is produced a s th e lig ht i s no t full y focus sed ont o the retina . Furthermore, this issue could potentially start to heavily affect vision hence it needs to be treated. The scientific rea...